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chinese yam benefits

Our stringent editorial guidelines allow us to cite only from reputed research institutions, academic journals, medically established studies, and highly regarded media and news agencies. They are good sources of vitamin C – meeting 27% of the daily recommended value of the nutrient. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of yam (Dioscorea batatas Decne.) “Natural” progesterone is commonly derived from an inedible, wild, Mexico-produced yam called Dioscorea uillosa. Chinese Yam Health Benefits. Only a subset of the traditional claims has been tested . What’s in a yam? It is a perennial that grows in areas that do not get frost. All other parts, including stems, leaves, flowers, pods and seeds, contain rotenone, a natural pesticide not safe for eating. The parts used are the dried roots or rhizome. Many of the varieties develop edible tubers much like potatoes. Now, as an anti-spasmodic, it can help with coughs, spasms and nausea. Novel effects of diosgenin on skin aging, Steroids, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Successful storage of yams requires proper curing, ideally combined with some fungicide treatment. A study conducted at the Baker Medical Research Institute (Australia) has found that this substance could relieve menopausal symptoms without any side effects (7). As root vegetables that have been around for ages, yams also have a long history of use in alternative medicine. Sweet potato is the one you probably know most since it is the the yam you see at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Wild yam is often combined with other herbs known to have estrogen-like effects, namely, A perennial vine, wild yam is typically the long, slender and knotted tuberous rootstock of the plant. Reducing the damage of CCL4 to liver tissue and protecting the liver. Keep scrolling! siatic bitter yam intoxication, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Yang deficiency manifested as always feeling cold with cold hands and feet, lack of appetite and being underweight. What’s important to note is that our bodies do not convert the chemical into the estrogen hormone — that must be done in a laboratory. Under such conducive storage conditions, yams will last about a month. Thus, yams may combat inflammation and help relax (and even treat) your abdominal and pelvic muscles. Regular scrutiny during storage and elimination of rotten tubers. You can also use them in preparing desserts. Technically known as. Wild yam is known to be be a good anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. They are easy to mash, making them an ideal food for babies. Out of 600 species in its plant family, Chinese yam is by far the most commonly used in traditional medicine for enhancing women’s reproductive health – from increasing fertility to reducing menstrual and menopausal symptoms. Top 10 Vitamin B5 Foods (Pantothenic Acid), Top 20 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and How to Use Them, 8 ounces chopped fresh wild yam root (or 4 ounces of dried), 1 sprinkle of pure stevia to taste (optional). (8). These are the major benefits of yams. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. Burdock root has been used for purifying blood stream, and to neutralize and eliminate poisons in the system. This leads to a breakdown of internal tissues, resulting in increased water loss and making them more susceptible to decay. ), Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood, 9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health, Top 15 Potassium-Rich Foods to Start Eating Today, 25 Acidic Foods to Avoid and Healthier Alternatives. This Chinese herb has also been used to counter diabetes, diarrhoea, kidney defects, coughing and dehydration. Yams are packed with resistant starches, soluble glycoprotein, and dietary fiber that are good for digestive health. How do you eat them? Creams containing wild yam extracts are emerging as the ideal choice for some women. Wild yam (scientific name Dioscorea villosa) is a plant native to North America, Mexico, and part of Asia.The root and bulb of the plant have long been used for traditional medicine. Age and health condition of the individual are important, especially if pregnant. on Azoxymethane-induced Colonic Aberrant Crypt Foci in F344 Rats, Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Furthermore, research published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine found “that wild yam extract acts as a weak phytoestrogen and protects against proliferation in human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells.” (4), According to a study published in the Journal of Lipid Research, the diosgenin found in wild yam may help raise good HDL cholesterol and lower LDL (the “bad” cholesterol). Molecules. Moon Milk: Does This Trendy Drink Help You Sleep? Wild yam is often combined with other herbs known to have estrogen-like effects, namely black cohosh. The ornamental variety is D. batatas, which is often called Chinese yam, red velvet yam or cinnamon yam. In Chinese households, it is well known as a beneficial food to consume to help digestion, relieve stomach pain, alleviate diarrhoea, improve recovery after an illness, repair muscle tissue and promote muscle growth. If I was forced to make a choice between a yam and a sweet potato, I might go for the yam because yams are considered Chinese herbs (Shan Yao). After menopause and as ovulation ceases, progesterone and estrogen levels drop. We avoid using tertiary references. are clickable links to these studies. This is believed to be due to a substance called dioscoretine and has been studied showing positive results. Antidiabetic effects of yam and its (Dioscorea batatas) and Its Active Constituent, Allantoin, in a Rat Model of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Yams are easy to prepare, versatile, and a great vegetable to include in your diet. Therefore, you need to consult with a doctor or herbalist first, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, suffer from any disease or are taking medication. Chinese yam can replenish qi (vital energy), enrich yin, reinforce spleen, lung and kidney, and arrest excessive essence depletion. Hyperpigmentation is harmless and rather common, but it can be frustrating since it is a skin condition that develops, rather noticeably, as darker patches of skin. However, more research is required to understand the skin benefits of yams on humans. However, when we are talking about the wild yam, it isn’t what you think. Storing yams at a lower temperature decreases their respiration rate. They range in skin color from white to yellow, red, purple or brown, and the flesh ranges in color from white to yellow, orange or orangish-red. A research study shows that yams have the potential to promote fertility (6). Yam is long as well as cylindrical and has a rough exterior. In recent years, the phytosteroid diosgenin has been identified as the key medicinal component. Nagaimo (or Chinese Yam) is a super nutritious root vegetable that is absolutely delicious eaten raw! Among the widely available roots and tubers, yams are considered the least perishable. What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Yams? There are over 6,000 Chinese herbs - from ginseng and Chinese yam to cinnamon - that can cure a whole host of skincare and health woes. Wild yam extracts are also suitable for use in skincare products due to their anti-inflammatory properties (1). In traditional Japanese cuisine, this yam is typically eaten raw, and when grated it takes on a jelly-like consistency to put as garnish on soup noodles. These varieties are usually classified as either firm or soft and maintaining a soft or firm consistency, respectively, when cooked. History suggests it has been used to make the first birth control pills before the synthetic versions were available and has been used to relieve digestive issues, asthma and gastritis. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Yam Rhizome. Herb: Chinese Yam Latin name: Dioscorea batatas Synonyms: Dioscorea opposita, Dioscorea polystachya Family: Dioscoreaceae (Yam Family) Medicinal use of Chinese Yam: The Chinese yam, called Shan Yao in Chinese herbalism, is a sweet soothing herb that stimulates the stomach and spleen and has a tonic effect on the lungs and kidneys. Phases of dormancy in yam tubers (Dioscorea rotundata), Annals of Botany, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Can you eat raw yams? They are deliciously rich in vitamins and flavor, so what’s not to love? Apart from all these, the predominant factor that determines the shelf life of the tuber is the length of its natural dormancy period (17). Wild yam creams, tablets and powders may contain synthetic hormones since they are produced in labs. It is important to consider a few factors regarding the correct dosage of wild yam. Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment in the box below. If they get inflamed, they are are referred to as diverticulosis and can be very painful, resulting in constipation and diarrhea and even fever at times. As an anti-spasmodic, it may help reduce any pain caused by abdominal cramping around the inflamed area. Regarding children, I don’t recommend it. Diosgenin-Rich Yam Extract Enhances Cognitive Function: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study of Healthy Adults, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. People with a weak spleen or stomach are prone to physical fatigue and indigestion. Records indicate that diverticulosis is found in 30 percent to 40 percent of people over the age of 50, and it is caused by a highly refined low-fiber diet. Yams come in different sizes but are usually similar to the size of a small potato. Every article goes through multiple reviews to ensure this. So what about menopause relief? Owing to its much wide consumption all over the world, this particular vegetable is commercially essential and it is a chief material of trade in many nations. Well, there are more you must know. Jicama, often served in salads, is found in U.S. supermarkets, but it’s imported from Mexico and the Caribbean. It’s popular for its potential health benefits for all ages, body types, … (1), Research from the Phytotherapy Research Laboratory at the University of Nigeria found that blood sugar was lowered in diabetic rabbits when administered dioscoretine that was extracted from tubers. She also enjoys traveling. Yam contributes to improvement of glucose metabolism in rats, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Effects of wild yam extract on menopausal symptoms, lipids and sex hormones in healthy menopausal women, Climacteric, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. The Supplementation of Yam Powder Products Can Give the Nutritional Benefits of the Antioxidant Mineral (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Se) Intakes, Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. All rights reserved. It has even been used by women to reduce hot flashes and treating colic in infants. These must be sprouted or cooked to be edible. Regarding children, I don’t recommend it. Yam can provide people with a kind of polysaccharide protein – mucus protein, with spleen and stomach, make up Qi and Qi. It has been claimed by many as a great way to reduce menstrual symptoms and assist with hormone replacement during menopause, but does it really work? This nutritious vegetable has several health benefits. The same study also found that a yam-enriched diet can significantly reduce colon tumor growth. Yes, the complex carbohydrates in purple yam can make you gain weight. Do tell us if you like them. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. It is also used to produce contraceptives and relieve the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome. They also boost immunity and help delay premature aging. Glucomannan and obesity: a critical review, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Exposure to enough sunlight to rid the moisture that is generated by the respiration of the tubers. Thus, it can keep your cravings at bay and eventually lead to weight loss. The soft varieties are typically labeled as yams here in the U.S. It also contains about 5 g of fiber, 19 mg of calcium, and 17 mg of vitamin C . Helps prevent atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels. If there is any lack of sufficient evidence, we make sure we mention it. Raw yams are not edible and cannot be digested. 1. (10), Additionally, Women’s Health website out of Australia claims that there is insufficient evidence that wild yam cream helps women suffering from menopause. However, wild forms of yams contain some toxins that taste bitter and are, hence, referred to as bitter yams. Names of Yam Rhizome in various languages of the world are also given. Caralluma Fimbriata for Appetite Suppression & Weight Loss: Does It Work? The nagaimo yam (a.k.a. What is the difference between yams and sweet potatoes? The following two tabs change content below. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) The literal translation of shan yao is “mountain medicine.” Indeed, this root vegetable is also used as a medicinal Chinese herb when dried. (7), Studies indicate that the disogenin found in wild yam extract may have a “depigmenting effect.” This means it could help with issues such as melasma, melanodermatitis and sun lentigo — issues that ultimately result in hyperpigmentation. Its decoction also used to stimulate appetite and to relieve bronchial irritation,cough, etc. While I could name some of them by their Chinese names, I had no idea what I was eating. She specializes in writing on Health and Wellness. Yams are packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. A tincture of wild yam, valerian, cramps bark and peppermint may offer relief. Yam is both a Chinese herbal medicine and a food that can be eaten. Provide immunity. Do Purple Potatoes Grow Naturally? Potassium signalling in the brain: its role in behaviour, Neurochemistry International, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. When she’s not writing, she loves watching movies and listening to music. There were sweet red rounded things (goji berries) and what look like thick tree barks (codonopsis root). Yam (Suran) incredible health benefits includes supporting healthy pregnancy, helping with PMS and menopause, supporting a healthy digestion, enhancing the skin, good for the hair, supporting a healthy brain, keeps your heart healthy, helps get rid of anemia, promote a good immune system, a good source of carbohydrates, promote weight loss, and fight of cancer. The roots and rhizomes of yam particularly contribute to its benefits. According to the Library of Congress, yams are native to Africa and Asia and are closely related to lilies and grasses. 4. Health Benefits: People with conditions related to the stomach, spleen, kidneys, lungs, or skin may benefit from Chinese yam. A study conducted on rats found that yam can contribute to the improvement of glucose metabolism (9). Top 12 Winter Vegetables to Eat & Grow (+ Benefits & Recipes), 17 Great Probiotic Foods for Better Gut Health, Detox Your Liver: Try My 6-Step Liver Cleanse, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses (30! If you discover any discrepancy in our content, we welcome you to write to us. If you are looking for wild yam, you probably won’t find it in the produce section, but rather in the supplement section as a dried root, dried root powder, capsule or liquid. I grew up drinking herbal soup and tonics with a lot of unidentifiable things in it. It is useful in treating diarrhea and poor appetite. This will help you lose weight fast. At doses of 2-4 g per day, this fiber turns into a gel that ling1ers in the stomach, making you feel full (5). Dried Chinese yam are affordable; Any benefits? A study conducted on rats noted the ability of the diosgenin in yams to prevent carcinogenesis by acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. They range in skin color from white to yellow, red, purple or brown, and the flesh ranges in color from white to yellow, orange or orangish-red. The lower leaves often grow in twos and fours, and the plant contains small greenish-yellow flowers that smell a lot like cinnamon. However, it is the chemical diosgenin that provides relief of these health issues. postmenopausal vaginal dryness. Reduce heat and allow it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. These varieties are usually classified as either firm or soft and maintaining a soft or firm consistency, respectively, when cooked. So how does wild yam help with diverticulosis? Only the root of Mexican yam can be consumed. Skin Ageing: Natural Weapons and Strategies, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. The liquid version can be made into tea. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. The antioxidant property of saponins may also help reduce inflammation related to various diseases (11). Saponins may help fight inflammation. However, the the top five proven benefits of wild yam include: Read Next: Natural Progesterone Cream — Boost Fertility & Relieve Menopause Symptoms. People with conditions related to the stomach, spleen, kidneys, lungs, or skin may benefit from Chinese yam. With just 157 calories in a cup, yams can be an excellent option if you’re trying to lose weight. How can you cook yams? The U.S. National Library of Medicine suggests that wild yam may help regulate blood sugar. This humble tuber is also gaining a lot of traction in modern medicinal research. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Temperatures below 12°C can cause damage by chilling. These tubers are rough and scaly to touch. When properly stored, raw yams will last for about 5 to 7 days at normal room temperature. In addition to these uses, promoters of the herb claim it can be used as a remedy for many conditions, including: hot flashes associated with menopause. You can eat yams every day if you like. ... Do you know some of the best vitamin B5 foods? The skin of yam looks like tree bark, while the sweet potato is more reddish-brown. The leaves are heart-shaped, growing anywhere from two to six inches long and nearly as wide. The commercially essential types are Trifoliate Yam, Chinese Yam, White Yam, Yellow Yam and South East Asian Yam. Many of the varieties develop edible tubers much like potatoes. Here, herbalist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto shares 7 common TCM herbs and what they can treat so you can be … Wild yam extracts are also suitable for use in skincare products due to their anti-inflammatory properties . Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. What are the benefits of Chinese yam? It's one of my favorite snacks and side dishes. Regardless, this makes it a phytoestrgoen food, meaning it comes from plants that could produce estrogen therapy and menopausal relief. Good for weight loss: Taking Chinese yam tea helps to reduce appetite and prevent cravings. This herb is great for energy — I just truly love, love, love my Chinese herbs, and I would love to teach you about them, so reach out in the comments below with any questions. However, more research is required in this area to understand this effect of yams on humans (12). Severe cases of alkaloid intoxication may even prove fatal (16). It has the benefits of spleen, Qi, Gushen, and fatigue. I cannot stress enough that there are insufficient studies on wild yam. The rhizome is known in Chinese herbal medicine to strengthen the lungs, and tonify the Qi, spleen, and kidney. Consuming wild yam may be a natural way of promoting these hormones in the body, which could have certain medical benefits. Yams are a great source of nutrition. Estrogenic effects of the extracts from the Chinese Yam (Dioscorea opposite Thunb.) Diabetes is caused by a decrease or deficiency in insulin secretion (or from increased cellular resistance to insulin). How do you tell the difference between a sweet potato and a yam? Current research states that the intake of yams may aid in the prevention of obesity and boost immunity (3). It is often used in combination with meats and other Chinese herbs to help digestion and regulate sugar levels; Traditionally it is used to relieve stomach pains and diarrhea Yams are excellent sources of vitamin B6, iron, potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Its mucilaginous tuber milk containsallantoin, a cell-proliferate that speeds up the healing process when applied to ulcers, boils, and abscesses. One of the original uses relates to hormones and women, but it has not been proven to be a replacement for estrogen. Chinese Yam Uses and Health Benefits: Chinese Yam is one of the most important and commonly used food remedy in traditional Chinese medicine for generations. You can also purchase creams containing wild yam, but remember that unless it has been to a laboratory, it likely does not contain the chemical needed to affect hormones. Let’s learn more about wild yam — and with over 600 species of wild yam, there is a lot to learn. There simply isn’t enough data to support its safety. Yams are among the most flavorsome vegetables you can eat. It is always best to consult a physician, especially since there really isn’t enough evidence about wild yams at this time. Additionally, it was used for upset tummies and coughs. Lately, natural hormones are becoming popular options for hormone replacement therapy. Again, I want to reiterate that some benefits that are related to hormone therapy needs more studies, and as far as we know, the conversion to hormones happens in the lab — not simply from consuming some version of wild yam. The University of Maryland Medical Center warns that wild yam extract could cause problems if you are currently taking estradiol, which is an active ingredient that may be in your birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) was used in the 18th and 19th centuries to help with menstrual cramps and childbirth. Health Benefits of Chinese Yam In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese yam is used as a remedy for many conditions such as diabetes, diarrhoea, cough, fatigue, wheezing, frequent urination, poor appetite and much more. are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. This is an impressive nutritional profile, isn’t it? She has hands-on experience in writing articles and press releases on Life Sciences and Healthcare, Food and Beverages, and Chemicals and Materials. The natural fiber in yams helps slow down the rate at which your body processes sugar, keeping you from feeling hungry between meals. The Chinese Soup Lady & Chinese Soup Recipes » Blog Archive » Old Cucumber with Chinese Yam in Pork Broth says: December 29, 2009 at 8:57 pm […] medium-sized old cucumber 1 pound of fresh pork bones 1 foot of fresh chinese yam 15 fresh gingko bilobas 10-12 lotus seeds 3-4 large dried dates 2-3 L of water 1-2 teaspoons of […] According to a recent study, maybe not so much. The leaves are heart-shaped, growing anywhere from two to six inches long and nearly as wide. To maximize their shelf life, store them in cool temperatures in a dark area. There is one potential myth that we need to review. In this post, we will delve into all the potential health benefits of eating yams. Wild yam may help treat a disorder of the intestines called diverticulosis. Roots and Tuber Crops as Functional Foods: A Review on Phytochemical Constituents and Their Potential Health Benefits, International Journal of Food Science, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Our bodies do not convert it naturally. They are generally stored fresh. Wild yam has many purported uses and benefits, but insufficient scientific data exists for some of them, such as menopause relief and hormonal balance. In the study, rats were given wild yam for a period of one week  to determine if diosgenin suppresses cholesterol absorption, and it was found the rats had better HDL to LDL ratio. (2), A study was conducted in Japan to help determine if wild yam could help reduce the risks of cancer. That would be the Mexican yam and is a member of the Fabaceae (pea) family. Probably the most familiar use of disogenin is the birth control pill, which was first produced in the 1960s. Dioscorea opposita or Shan Yao) has gained significant popularity as a healthy side dish to add to any Asian-themed meal. Chinese yam can nourish the spleen and stomach, invigorate kidney qi, reduce phlegm, and moisturize the skin. Wild yam consists of a chemical called dioscoretine, which some people think helps with the regulation of blood sugar levels. Listed below are few of the known health benefits of wild yam. An in vivo animal studies on mice has found that the administration of diosgenin improves the epidermal thickness in ovariectomized mice without altering the degree of fat accumulation (4). The ornamental variety is, Wild Yam vs. Yam vs. Mexican Yam vs. Sweet Potato, Natural Progesterone Cream — Boost Fertility & Relieve Menopause Symptoms. Dioscorea polystachya or Chinese yam (Chinese: 山药), also called cinnamon-vine, is a species of flowering plant in the yam family.

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