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She tells Elio she's worried he's going to hurt her. Marzia might not have caught on to Elio's sexual orientation and the affair he and Oliver are entangled in, but she really did know about people quite a bit. Marzia is the girl Elio has known forever, while Oliver is the charming new guy who quickly takes up space in Elio’s home, head and heart. At first it was this, which Elio could handle. Not only does this suggest Elio is ahead of Oliver in terms of youth and veracity, particularly as Oliver is seen breathless and struggling with the steepness of the hill, but also points out that Oliver is fully aware his time with Elio is limited. — that Oliver says to him in conversation. However, knowing what it’s like to be in this position doesn’t seem to help him in his own relationship with Oliver. "Her feelings for him exceed everything. In fact, her comment about people who like reading sheds some light on Elio's character. Later, Oliver confesses to not being interested in Chiara. The i love you scene from Marzia and Elio is the only one in the movie, however Elio’s expression indicates that when she says, it seems almost childish in comparison to what Elio and Oliver shared. "I think that really quickly, Marzia sees the attraction of Elio for Oliver, but she doesn’t care because she loves him so much," Garrel explained. In fact, she seems to know that his true affections lie with Oliver, considering that she asks him one night if he’s only with her because he’s mad at Chiara for dating Oliver. 5—Thoughts on Elio-Marzia relationship? As such, Aciman shows readers once again that Elio and Marzia are in similar situations, though the difference is that Elio is the equivalent of Oliver in his relationship with Marzia. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and hours bled to days. Marzia is a neighbor close to Elio in age. Putting Oliver in Elio's bed means 2 things: 1-They want Elio to have sex with Oliver 2-They want Oliver to be their son). Oliver left and went outside, hopping on his bike and speeding away, ignoring a questioning Marzia and Chiara. The boy also enjoys reading - and he also hides a secret from everyone around him. Elio begins wearing a Jewish star necklace just like Oliver's, but Oliver is seemingly nowhere to be found over the next few days, seemingly avoiding Elio. 6—Thoughts on Oliver-Chiara relationship? 7—Do you think what Elio and Oliver have is love or something else? Elio begins spending more time with Marzia. Around this time, Oliver begins seeing a girl his age named Marzia ; he spends a night with her swimming naked, but he does not have sex with her. Marzia. Why? I’m sure she does love him, but not in that real, powerful way that Elio had just come from with Oliver. Elio talks to Oliver about Chiara, seemingly trying to set him up with her, but Oliver rebukes him and tells him to drop the subject. He knows about the affair between Elio and Oliver but does not reveal this knowledge to Elio until after Oliver's departure. Elio's father gets along very well with Oliver and finds him an impressive fellow. It’s even worse considering that Elio puts the moves on Marzia because of an interaction with Oliver. 8—The detail/quote/moment that shows Elio’s feelings for Oliver with the more accuracy? Despite her feelings—and the things Elio tells her—Marzia senses he will hurt her emotionally. Elio is drunk on a sentence — a sentence! Elio continues at a faster pace, leaving Oliver behind. An Italian girl who is romantically interested in Elio.

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