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list of fire support bases in vietnam

From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraft throughout Thailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. Iam on the agent orang government list.. I am a former marine semper fi. I am trying to file one more time. On Jun 11, 2016 4:43 PM, “Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel” wrote: I have been researching for 20 something years. We had a well and filtering plant for our water needs. Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. please email if possible . My husband served in the marine stationed in Udorn Thiland in 1962. He leaves behind a wife and three grandchildren they were raising. The date on the order is: 1/15/1968 and the other last names listed are:Fisher, Samson, Proctor, Mapano, Shively, Dyson, Sadler, Dorenzo, Gregory, Fountain. I worked at the tank farm on the perimeter of Takhli. Was there two weeks and went TDY to Udorn, after arriving was told to report to the preload shop where I worked nights for duration there . The water at or around 126 military installations contains potentially harmful levels of perfluorinated compounds, which have been linked to cancers and … I was stationed at Utapao May 68 to Jan 69. Was stationed in Udorn July 73 July 74 621 TACC NS, any help on finding Agent orange use during that time. It also is listed on the map’s index under Army bases, which appears in red. ANY ONE BELIEVE Date Duration Operation Name We both had prostate cancer at the same time. I was 1st Cav Div 68-69 I know I was exposed to Agent Orange sprayed around Hooches, perimeter road and everywhere else they wanted to kill vegetation. Delivered medical supplies throughout Thailand. We also took our r and r in Udorn. Stationed camp friendship 1965-1966.538 engineers.Anybody left sure would be nice too hear from you. The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. I have Coronary Artery Disease, COPD and Psoriasis on my right hand. Yeah lots of Army bases and FSB but no Marine Corps positions other than a few hills! If anyone remember him please contact me. I have stage 4 kidney disease as well. I worked the “Hot Pad” just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. I was at Takhli from June 1969 to June 1970. On at least one occasion we With all of the VA documents that state that Agent Orange was used on bases in Thailand, my denials stated that there was no evidence that Agent Orange was ever used there. It seems that a lot of the info about inf units in thailand I am on the VA’s agent orange list. We are trying to find out what squadron he was possibly in. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. Our Barracks at UT were within the “Drift Zone”, as claimed by the VA. Neuropathy in both feet and both hands have progressively gotten worse however, the VA says I should have reported it within a year of exposure or when I determined it to be an issue. that was a hectic night as i was on CQ that night.I submitted written and photo evidence to that fact.. Better known as “the Rose Garden. We stayed in concrete barracks. The outer perimeter was sprayed with AO and I believe we started flying sorties to spray AO in Laos and Viet Nam. VA disalowed the cause being agent orange because I was stationed in Thailand. Would like to contact you. we also mantained communications contact with lima 11 in paske laos, which was rocket attacked the time i was there. Still took a year, but rating was finally approved. Would enjoy connecting with Vets who worked at any of these bases. If anyone would have known him please reach out. I’v been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has. Reblogged this on Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel and commented: The article is revised with new information…, I got your email reply about some revisions so I came here to see them. The mapped data concerning American forces is broken down by color: Red symbols represent U.S Army installations and facilities that numbered 45; the blue U.S. Navy and Coast Guard installations that numbered 18; the green U.S. Air Force installations that numbered 28; and the brown “Joint and Others” locations that numbered 11. It is scaled at 1:1,562,500 and provides coverage for all of Thailand. Would like to hear from other Airmen as to what exposure they have had and what medical conditions they have. We spent many hours weekly on the permimeter road recovering M113 and M706 APC broken or mired in mud. I have document from 56th CES at NKP showing that the perimeter was sprayed in 1971. Any of that traveling in or near perimeter spray or drift zone? Crossed it daily. Service officers tell me different things. Fire Control Specialist on AC-130A/AC-130H Gunships. Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. If anyone is having issues I would like information. Was among the first 55 US Airmen at Takhli 1965. In 2011 diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Located in NKP RTAFB in the 56th Field Maintenance Squadron.If you have info please contact me! In looking at the emails Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. Information on the sheets is in both English and Thai. Served at Ubon Aug. 1971 to Aug. 1972 and Korat Jan. 1973 to June, 1973. I have prostate cancer and I have provided proof that I was there and is still awaiting a decision. ANY IN FO WOULD BE GLADLY RECEIVED , JOHN BOYD . Robert Calhoun June 9 2020, if you have copies of your performance reports, take then to VFW, or American Legion. Trying to prove exposure to AO. I have had Diabetes for years and diagnosed with Gleason 6 Prostrate Cancer. I started with tremors in 2015 and saw Neurologists at the So. Not all of them, but I am still working on the appeals. Surrounded by lush jungle and rice paddies. He was denied for the cancer drugs he needed. (My mother also works for Philco Tech-Rep Division for several years. I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. I PRAY that 2020 will be a fruitful year. And Bangkok . I was stationed at Utapao in 1972-73 and Korat and Ubon in 73-74. I was at NKP 1967-68 with the 56th Transportation Squadron. Ischemic heart disease and diabetes. I was at NKP Mar 1970 – Aug 1971. Ask to submit a claim. His name was Robert Lewis . Filed VA claim in 2005 was denied I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. No grass or weeds inside nor outside perimeter. I worked Hill 260 at Takhli. photos are very powerful. If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website – the button is located at the top right of this page. *personal information removed per policy*. Stationed at Takhli and Korat Thailand from May 1970 to May 1972. I believe that during the rainy season the chemical Agent Orange filtered down to the water table and we ended up drinking small amounts every day in every meal and every shower we took absorbed some through our skin. VA wants to deny my claim of exposure to Agent Orange present there and my exposure being the cause of this disease and disability. Operation Dewey Canyon - Sappers Attack Marines on FSB Cunningham, The Fog of War: The Vietnamese View of the Ia Drang Battle. I worked our normal 7 day 12hour shift. 5. I was then dropped off at work on petroblem tank farm which was used to transfer fuel to the air base next to camp friend ship. Larry. Worked on the trim pad. Have tried for some time to find the location of the base. War is sh****.. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. A Communist regime, headed by … Thank you so much great information that I’ve never known about. Trying to establish VA claim but not successful establishing perimeter location exposure. That ville is built upon our old firebase. And that is absolutely not right! I knew where our fighters Fire Control Specialist on AC-130A/AC-130H Gunships. Just diagnosed with multiple myeloma haven’t filed claim yet. Stationed at Korat RTAFB from 1974 – 1976. Thanks and wish all others well. But in the case of veterans who served solely in Thailand, the Veterans Administration states: “To receive benefits for diseases associated with herbicide exposure, these Veterans must show on a factual basis that they were exposed to herbicides during their service as shown by evidence of daily work duties, performance evaluation reports, or other credible evidence.” This writer notes that the policy is source of debate, anger, and frustration for some American military veterans and their families. Why because unlike today’s veterans who get 100 % disability for a bum knew or anxiety everyone know the Vietnam Vet gets nothing. None of which would diagnose me but give me all sorts of drugs. I was stationed at Ubon Jun 70 to Jun 71 with the 408th MMS. Rod Gaudin (SPC 4 47th Infantry). I finally will see a Judge on these appeals on 11-20-20. and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. Always wondered why nothing grew at the camp. Munitions Specialist. I was in crew 9 VP17 US Navy.I need help from anyone who had a similar experience. G8025 s50 U5. The French could retain their influence in the South. I was surrounded with dirt and mud as the base was still under construction. But my Rabbi, has already received his disability rating and we were stationed at the same location and we were all around the base and community. The US military destroyed its own anti-ISIS headquarters in Syria, The Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 16, 2019, to prevent them from falling into the hands of fighters backed by Turkey. I have type 2 diabetes and have had for quite a few years now. Crew Chief on F-4. I am at this site because I believe his cancer may have been caused by agent orange and need to know how to proceed. Inspector General | Legal | Accessibility | External Link Disclaimer |, diseases associated with herbicide exposure. Was stationed at Ubon from 1970 to 1971 working on Project Igloo White. By the end of the year, more than 38,000 Marines made up the in Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF) under the command of Major General Lewis W. Walt. Exposed to AO, and diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2004, all claims submitted to VA were denied. Just the fact that most of us traveled to the City of Korat at least weekly for something to do would make it fair to say we got exposed to the stuff. I’m still fighting this and will not give up! Towers,Bunkers m60. I seem to be OK at this time. To jack stover. Well, March 26 of 2020 he died suddenly of a heart attack, he had recovered, we thought, from a major stroke in November of 2019. The just south of there we had The Washout, C-2…then C-3 was Cam Lo Hill and Cam Lo Bridge…and C-4 was out along the ocean north of Cu Viet. Have questions regarding AO issues. I was a Security police augmentee I too was exposed. Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association P.O. Had diabetes,ischemic heart disease,high blood pressure and skin leasions. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Army Map Service, Thailand 1:50,000 Series L708, Amphoe Ta Khli, Sheet 5061 I, 1960. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB Thaiand, early 70’s during the Vietnam war. The record shows I filed on 02-25-1971. But was discussed by what was written about the Marines. Then again in 74 75 for 8 months at Utapao for the cambodian air lift.I joined the navy in 76 and started having sever head aches that resulted in nerological problems.Brain damage. Greatly appreciate any information. No approval from higher authority was needed. The content of all comments is released into the public domain from mid 69 to mid 70 worked in the base photo lab doing recon photo . There is supposed to be a bill in Congress to cover everyone that was in Thialand, but it has not gone anywhere in years. I served at Ubon RTAFB, 71-72, as an aircraft mechanic on B57G Night Intruders and F4 Phantoms. I have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 CANCER a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to AGENT ORANGE. Our work shifts were 12/7 during my time there. I was turned down for the agent orange list. Installations and Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand, 1 November, 1969. Would like to make contact with Robert Calhoun 388 Security Police Squadron Korat. He now has memory problems. VA still won’t recognize AO exposure is my understanding. Dell Ray Beckstead, I was stationed at D.Co. The VA has been giving me a hard time with Agent Orange exposure and my heart, skin and COPD claims/appeals. I’m a diabetic, have thyroid issues. The base consisted of a mess hall houtches and the air strip and planes that were frequently flew missions I’m pretty sure that agent Orange was stored there and that the jungle was sprayed around the perimeter of the camp. He has a lot of health issues and can’t remember. Looking for NKP 71-72 that knows a Steve Furches . While one can see the locations of Thai military facilities, absent are installations and perimeter defenses that may have been added later by American forces. [AUST ARMY SIGNAL CORP. ] THANKS. Has anyone received a positive resolution with the VA. Stationed at Camp Friendship Korat 67-68. Even did a day trip to Vietnam to repair and load 25k loaders on a C141 before the fall of Saigon. I was stationed at Korat from December 1974 until October 1975. ( Log Out /  We worked a 12 on 12 off shift with a two day break then shift change. We were taken by a truck. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. Please share. I’m trying to help my mother get benefits resulting from my father’s death. Thanks go to the Good Lord above for sending my DAV Service Officer who did a great job fulfilling her service to Veterans and going that extra mile to help get me 100% Service Connected. My claim and 2 letters of appeal have been denied. I was stationed at Camp Vayama, Sattahip, Thailand. G8000 1961 .U5. Of course you would have trouble finding that information in the physicians reports submitted to Congress on A O since that paragraph was stricken by CONGRESS from the report. I was stationed at Udorn RTAFB in 1967-68 in the USAF. I was stationed at nkp Thailand May 1971 thru May 1972,SPS security. I was only on the ground for 8 days with my C-130, and I remember walking each day thru tall weeds between my barracks and the flightline. Brothers / Sisters who are suffering from AO , find a DAV Service Officer to help you . I was a Radio Communications Analysis Specialist. He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. Have I tried to get any compensation for heart problems or skin cancer or other problems, along with the fact that I spent 10 days in the hospital in Udorn for an unknown problem, NO. Unfortunately I am not all that computer savvy so I am having a very hard time finding anything that might be changed or updated to reflect the true story about the area south of the DMZ. I agree with the #1 person on this blog! I also worked on the flight line working on the AC-130’s but the VA didn’t care one bit.. yesterday i received my summery of case with a flat denial on my second appeal.. Looking for others that were stationed in Avionics (AMS) during 1973. Soaked many times due to failing couplings from trucks to tanks at this backward RTAFB. Was stationed @ NKP 1968-1969 , 556th RED HORSE , working airfield / perimeter daily ,,, signed with the DAV , Saginaw MI , 2017 , after wife kept at me to do so. Let me know about agent orange problems. KORAT ’67 &’68 – I have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, kidney cancer, hbp, ischemic heart disease, elevated PSA (probable prostate cancer), copd – all claims denied – all presumptive agent orange – if you have been successful with any claims I need your help. The Dr. advised me to make a claim with the VA. worked KC-135 and B-52D flight line phase on west side and Bomber run-up 0n the Eastside. Luckily I had a copy of the orders for same and was approved for compensation last year (2019). This area I have now learned was also sprayed. Praying we can bring Bobby home. FINI FLIGHT: an Air Force pilot's last mission in Vietnam. Don’t give up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Бордели как стратегическое оружие. I am the proud type of guy that didn’t want any government assistance but the older and poorer I get, I need to swallow the pride. I was at Tahkli, Thailand in 1973 for one of many TDY’s from the C-130 Wing at Dyess AFB in Abilene, Tx. Drivers held on with air support until a rescue force arrived nine hours later after suffering 23 killed and 35 wounded. Have an ischemic heart problem which resulted in a massive heart attack. Attribute that to agent orange exposure while on NKP and while at Pleiku, Vietnam. Anyone willing to share photos or maps, etc? Ubon 1970 to 1971 working on Project Igloo White. I have one picture taken in 1974 on 5060 showing a couple parked P3s. I was stationed at Korat from Oct72 to Oct73. The pol tank farm 16 hours on night shift. out of all the dogs that were in Thailand and Vietnam , only 3 made it back…( what’s it all about). I was stationed at NKP, Thailand from Feb. 70 to Feb., 71 was diagnosed with Diabetes in 2001, just got my Agent Orange benefits about 2 months ago. Since the year-long American punitive campaign failed to deter the North Vietnamese, the Johnson administration decided that a massive effort was required to strengthen the South's stand against its Communist foe. Thank you for taking the time to read this. our commo center was the largest and only link for all communications from vietnam into thailand they all came thur warin ics. Bn. I was at Takhli Jan 1966-1967. I was with the 49 TFW and served in Linebacker 1 & 2, Was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from May 68 to May 69.

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