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what to do when your lovebird lays an egg

The brooding takes 22 to 25 days. Parakeets and other birds can lay eggs without a mate and/or without a nest box. Constant egg laying will deplete your bird of vital nutrients, and predispose her to malnutrition , osteoporosis, and life-threatening health problems, such as egg binding and yolk peritonitis. The hen usually starts to brood (sit on the eggs)after the second egg is laid. Most time the eggs are laid at night. I have a lovebird that has laid 4 eggs so far. Egg binding is not uncommon in birds and may be resolved easily if treated early. It is more common in small birds such as canaries, finches, parakeets, budgies, lovebirds, and cockatiels, but the most common reason for egg binding is … The lovebird is just over a year. By allowing your bird to stay up late, you are mimicking the long days of spring/summer, making your bird think it is time to breed. In most cases, the female lovebird will lay her first egg ten days after mating and then will brood, or sit on the eggs, after the second is laid. I also have a green cheek conure who is her friend. The conure is over almost 2 years old and has never laid an egg. If a prolonged period has elapsed since the bird began attempting to lay the egg, she may become critically ill. Although egg laying is a natural process, if a single female lays continually (one clutch after another), it could be detrimental to her health in that necessary vitamins and minerals (particularly calcium) could be depleted from her body during the egg laying process. I am also thinking the same. Check for eggs. The first thing we want to do the is remove the eggs asap to begin to get her out of the brooding mode. If she should lay an egg regardless of your efforts to stop her, you are not encouraging her to lay more by giving her a place to sit on her eggs. You may have to towel her to remove the eggs as I can tell you from personal experience this is not the same bird that you've had as a pet. The only way to be certain that your lovebirds have mated is by checking for eggs. However, single birds can lay an egg unexpectedly and that is when this bird becomes egg bound without knowing it. Second, don't remove ANY eggs from the nest box because as soon as you remove them, your bird will lay some more to replace those eggs that were remove from the nest box. It takes up to 10 days for them to be laid. Two female Lovebirds can lay up to 10 infertile eggs. While egg laying can occur in any breed, it is most common in cockatiels, lovebirds, budgies, canaries, and finches. 1. The lovebirds eggs are laid in the nest every other day. You touch them, your female lovebird will probably abandon them because you put your scent on them which in turn will frighten her, and will lose interested in them out of fear. Why do I have ten eggs? Nature already has her on a course and you should make her comfortable while that is happening. This becomes important when the cage is covered. Put your bird to bed early, by 5 or 6:00 p.m. A long day length is one of the most important environmental cues triggering egg laying in birds. Female parakeets will lay an egg every second day and there will be approximately four to seven of them. The parakeet will begin to lay eggs one to two days after the mating process. Our vet is fairly certain the conure is a male and lovebird a female. I think the thing to do is discourage egg laying while she is not in a laying cycle. Look at the nest every morning to see if there are any eggs. Of course eggs laid without a male to mate with are not fertile and will not hatch. Egg laying is something that every female bird can do without benefit of male birds. Egg binding occurs when the female bird is unable to expel the egg from her body. Taking care of parakeets does not take much effort. 10 things you can do at home to stop your bird from laying eggs. Egg binding in birds is a common but possibly life threatening condition in which a bird is having a hard time laying an egg. She has built a nest and is keeping eggs warm. Baby parakeets will begin hatching after 22 to 30 days gestation.

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